PWI Construction named a ‘Top Construction Company’

For the tenth consecutive year, PWI Construction claimed a spot on the ‘Top Construction Companies’ list prepared by Hotel Management, the hospitality industry’s magazine of record since 1875. 

Globally-minded hospitality executives turn to Hotel Management for an insider’s perspective on a range of key issues affecting today’s business climate and shaping tomorrow’s outcome. Hotel Management publishes surveys throughout the year presenting in-depth data about the major hospitality industry segments, from design firms to multiunit owners and developers.

The survey takes into consideration hotel construction projects completed in the current year along with projects expected to be completed the following year. View the Hotel Management’s 2022 November/December Issue here.

“Hotel Management is the hospitality industry’s leading resource for hotel owners, developers, operators, and more. It’s an honor to be acknowledged in the annual Top Construction Companies list and to be recognized as a leader in hospitality construction,” explains PWI Construction Sr. Marketing & Communications Manager Dominica Garza.